Kettle Corn Business ebook is up!

Tuesday, March 24th, 2009

Business Book coverOK, so I went nuts and created an ebook that I’m selling online called “Start Your Own Kettle Corn Business“. I’ve been getting so many questions from people over the years asking about starting a kettle corn business. Most of the questions are exactly the same, so I made it easier on myself to just put all the answers in a book they can download. (There’s also $30 involved – but hey, we sweated our butts off to figure this stuff out.)

I’ve been doing a lot of research about online marketing and the ins and outs of promoting stupid products like this. Mostly it’s about bullshit weight loss products or some other thing which will appeal to the vanity of the great unwashed masses. At least I can say that what I’m selling is legit and I can personally vouch for everything I claim. I sure wish I had a book like this when I got started.

Been back from Hawaii for a couple of weeks and trying to get my head around the now novel concept of extreme cold. Never ran across anyone selling kettle corn from a tent out there. The woman at the car rental place on Oahu filled us in on the kettle corn status of that island. Occasionally someone will pop at a special event, but no one is popping at the giant swap meet at Aloha Stadium. We got into kettle corn because I handed her my Velma’s business credit card and she went “KETTLE CORN?? YOU GUYS DO KETTLE CORN?!”

I got this email from someone recently – I found it very funny.


I like the idea of someone being talked down from the ledge because they haven’t gotten their ketttle corn fix. Instead of cash, maybe we can fence stolen goods for bags of kettle corn so the addicts can get their fix.

So kettle corn season will start up again for us in Springfield during the first week of May. Framingham should start up in June.